Saturday, August 4, 2012

How time flies!

Boy how time flies! Sarah is 28 months old already and I don't know how it happened. I mean, just the other day she was this little bitty infant I held in my arms and now, she's this little lady full of attitude! She is the light of my life and I cannot imagine life without her!

We've been having a good summer. I quit work and now stay home with Sarah and we are enjoying it! Sarah is SO attached to me it isn't even funny but I love it! Well, most days I love it. There are some days I just wish she would let someone else do stuff for her. But I wouldn't trade one single solitary minute with this little angel!

 This is one hot little girl, can you tell?!? She was ready to go not too long after leaving the splash park. She had NO nap, was hot, and then rubbed sunscreen in her eyes! She was not a happy camper!!

Don was on vacation the first week of July and we decided to go to the zoo; even though it was like 100 million degrees outside! Okay, so it was only 98 degrees but dang, it was HOT! Sarah enjoyed the zoo but not the heat! Luckily Louisville Zoo has a splash park for kids halfway through the zoo, so Sarah got to cool down. Well actually, I did too! I was helping Sarah get ready to slide down the water slide and some kid dumped a bucket of water on my head!! I was a little mad but then it felt so good, I couldn't be mad anymore! :)

July was not too busy of a month but BOY was it hot! We spent a lot of time inside because it was just too hot to be outside! I'm looking forward to it cooling down a bit so we can spend more time outside.